As you know, when it comes to record player parts, we offer a wide range of products and the very best advice to make the right choices! That’s why we’re proud to add JICO’s top-quality products to our inventory!
JICO record player parts: over 70 years of know-how
You probably know JICO by reputation, but just in case, let us introduce you to them. It’s possible you weren’t even born yet – or you may still have been in diapers – when JICO started manufacturing its first record player needles in 1949!
An ongoing tradition of excellence
Today, JICO offers music lovers more than 2,000 different models of record player needles and cartridges. Each part is assembled by hand by an expert team.
The Super Analog Stylus, a unique needle of exceptional quality that delivers sound that borders on perfection, is JICO’s signature product around the world!
Enough said; a listen is worth a thousand words. Shop for JICO products here.